Want to earn money online? Not getting traffic? Updating regularly but still no results?? Need more traffic??? Need traffic to increase ad revenue or sales????
Article posting and regular posting is not the only criteria to drive traffic. There are some essential steps that must be followed by bloggers to get decent amount of traffic. These essential steps takes a few minutes of time that are very useful for a blogger as you (and me). So let us find out what are the essential things to be done by bloggers after posting an article:
1)Social Bookmarking:
The most simplest and easiest way to get traffic. Once you are done with your article, post the link of the article with some decent heading on your social network profile. There are many social networking platforms like facebook, twitter, orkut, google plus, bing, identica, stumbleupon etc. These sites will help you drive traffic towards your site easily.
NOTE: Posting the link in social networking site doesn't mean that you will get traffic irrespective of your social profile. You must have decent amount of friends, good communication with your friends and good interaction.
2)Submit To search Engine Directeroies:
Submitting your site/article to search engine directories is another essential way in pinging your site so that your site.article appears in search results. Submit your blog to various directories like google, yahoo, bing, ask etc
3)Back link your article:
This is the permanent and pagerank increasing method. Backlink your blog/article with similar articles either by posting a similar article on article publishing sites like squidoo, hubpages, triond etc by including your blog link or submit to other sites which contain high page rank.
4)Guest Blogging:
Guest blogging is one of the rapid way for increasing the traffic. This is a classic way of driving traffic by posting articles in other blogs which increases the quality and quantity of your traffic.
5)Be active in Forums:
Participate actively in high pagerank forums like warrior forums, blackhatworld, adobe forums etc. Be active in those forums, post good topics and maintain a good profile. You will see the change quickly.
This concludes My topic about getting traffic for bloggers after publishing an article. I guess there are still many other ways that you know apart from these. But I guess these are basic and simple ways which does not consume most of our time. We go step by step instead of leaping directly to the top floor.
Happy Blogging!!
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